Brain Surgery Day: Take Two
Pediatric brain surgery just doesn’t seem real. It doesn’t seem like it should be a real thing. Pediatric brain surgery x 2?!? Wait-what? Who even has 2 kids that need the same brain surgery inside of 3 months?! It’s just too much. Okay, not really. But it’s seriously just shy of unbearable. It’s incomprehensible to anyone who hasn’t been there. If I’m being honest, I hope you never find yourself there. Any of you. We had Twin B in Physical, Speech, and Occupational Therapy following her surgery when we finally got the approval for her identical twin to have her MRI. Everyone assured us that it was important but not…
Brain Surgery Day: Take One
Pediatric brain surgery. How do you actually even comprehend that? As a parent, how do you even begin to process it? Exactly two months after Diagnosis Day, we were heading into brain surgery at Barrow Neurological Institute in Phoenix, Arizona. We went into prep 4 days before and spent the day doing scans and labs. We met with the anesthesiologist and I spoke with the nurses who would mostly be there the day of and got the lay of the land. The night before surgery I was nervous, y’all. I barely slept and I KNOW she couldn’t either. I packed and re-packed. I overpacked and overpacked some more. You would…